Tag Archives: TED

What is the best predictor of success in a person’s life?

What’s the best predictor of success in a person’s life?

Dr. Angela Duckworth says it’s “Grit” in this June 2013 video/TED Talk, 

You should watch it.

TED Talks Education  Angela Duckworth: What Is Grit?


What are 5 things you wish you knew as a senior in high school

This thought provoking question and the comments that follow are almost an education in themselves. You certainly don’t have to be a rising high school senior to enjoy the real-life insights, appreciation. and wisdom from these sharings.

Click here to read.

You might even want to pass this link along.

What is school for? (Seth Godin video)

Click What is school for?  to go to the video

An engaging discussion of what the future of education wants to be

… and how

… and why.